say aye!
this is mine, so it goes my way. i do not exist anyway. well according to you.

izazijazilah. i love you, now doesn't that count?

send it on - jonascyrusgomezlovato

"A word's just a word
till you mean what you say
and love isn't love
till you give it away
we all gotta give
give something to give
to make a change
send it on, on and on
just one that can heal another
be a part, reach a heart
just one spark starts a fire"

rant all you want

recent entries
with the brown eyes.
71 new notifications.
love and life goes on.

September 2009
October 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009
i know not how i got to you :D :D 7:08 PM

today was exhausting. given a talk about smarters, it was okay. nothing much.

i want this literal bedroom.

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and this shoe, even though i don't do heels, i still just want to have it.

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and if can't get the above two, can i just have this? ;D

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