say aye!
this is mine, so it goes my way. i do not exist anyway. well according to you.

izazijazilah. i love you, now doesn't that count?

send it on - jonascyrusgomezlovato

"A word's just a word
till you mean what you say
and love isn't love
till you give it away
we all gotta give
give something to give
to make a change
send it on, on and on
just one that can heal another
be a part, reach a heart
just one spark starts a fire"

rant all you want

recent entries

September 2009
October 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009
yousaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. 10:11 PM

this is so not good. beginning with anger. well i'm pissed. not as much as before, but still. heesh. antah eh. you're so good you make me feel inferior bish!

oh well. hello. bye.