say aye!
this is mine, so it goes my way. i do not exist anyway. well according to you.
izazijazilah. i love you, now doesn't that count?
send it on - jonascyrusgomezlovato"A word's just a word till you mean what you say and love isn't love till you give it away we all gotta give give something to give to make a change send it on, on and on just one that can heal another be a part, reach a heart just one spark starts a fire" rant all you want
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♥when imagination runs free.♥give me your hand. ♥kau tahi. ♥so harsh. ♥yeah bish. ♥hot ride. ♥the ultimate truths! ♥don't be scared ♥fireflies ♥courtney! archives
♥October 2009 dar-links
Friday, September 25, 2009
12:56 PM fireflies -owl city. keep being in my head all night long.
12:52 PM
i am ♥
9:33 AM you are pretty boy.
unnecessary censoring.
9:31 AM my fav :D :D pokemon you **** me and i'll **** you. can't get better than that :D Wednesday, September 23, 2009
hey pretty boy ♥
7:21 PM wah. hari ani sudah hari raya ke 3. pretty boy, i like you :D dan sudah pukul 12 pada masa sekarang. esok tah lagi. i thought it would feel awkward, instead, it was wonderful. you're amazing :D Wednesday, September 16, 2009
10:47 PM went to SOAS for terawih today. i wish i could've taken some of the gold-leaf covered tiles home (: and i should've taken pics, but then didn't bring my phone. bought a pair of shoes :D :D why the hell is messenger having another version? ugh. p/s: i like angela aki. pp/s: not going to school tomorrow, sorry nurul nadiatul hidayah ): ppp/s: i think i like like you. but i don't really know know you. ![]()
letter to my 15 year old self.
10:46 PM Dear you, Who's reading this letter Where are you and what are you doing now? For me who's 15 years old There are seeds of worries I can't tell anyone If it's a letter addressed to my future self, Surely I can confide truly to myself Now, it seems that I'm about to be defeated and cry For someone who's seemingly about to disappear Whose words should I believe in? This one-and-only heart has been broken so many times In the midst of this pain, I live the Present I live the present Dear you, Thank you I have something to tell the 15 year old you If you coutinue asking what and where you should be going You'll be able to see the answer The rough seas of youth may be tough But row your boat of dreams on Towards the shores of tomorrow Now, please don't be defeated and please don'tshed tear During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear Just believe in your own voice For me as an adult, there ara sleepless nights when I'm hurt But I'm living the bittersweet present There's meaning to everything in life So build your dreames without fear Keep on bilieving Seems like I'm about to be defeated and cry For someone who's seemingly about to disappear Whose words should I believe in? Please don't be defeated and please don't shed a tear During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear Just believe in your own voice There's no running away from sorrow So show your smile, and go on living the present Go on living the present Dear you, Who's reading this letter I wish you happiness Tuesday, September 15, 2009
i'm so mad, mad, mad.
7:10 PM in a good sense (: i love you, benar. today i had my very first facial, it was torture. agh. staying still for two hours, man. mum got the moisturizer for me, and ada lucky draw, sekali aku dapat apa nah! rice cooker/steamer! handal ah. daripada dapat lada HOHO. ![]() KISS ASS :D p/s: imma start using my pure seduction body butter. for what? seducing. not. you saaaak big time. pp/s: wahhh, batah eh. bila hari raya ani kan. aku mau jumpa kau! Monday, September 14, 2009
dumbass! :D
10:54 PM ![]()
better learn from this.
10:51 PM ![]()
have a safe flight.
9:21 PM even though you may already be there. shopping, perhaps? or others. good times, i want to do it once more. i made the first ketupat in my whole life today. and plus, it's pink. too lazy to get a picture. and now it's hanging persistently in the car. mum's annoyed, but it's my first, so i think she won't mind too much. HOHO. i like it that you know where i am. i like it that you know what i am like. i like it that you know what i did. hell i like it that you even know my name <3 ![]()
why can't you see that i like you?
2:38 PM ![]() i want to play cards. with someone who's not a sore loser. please. why do what to have everything that i have? why do you want to take everything from me? why do you do that? i'm sick of you sucka. Sunday, September 13, 2009
don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me >D
9:53 PM ![]() ![]() zac efrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon D: i must watch 17 again!
bdlhkm lvy!
9:46 PM today is a happy day. tomorrow maybe not. i have schoooooool :D my mind isn't thinking straight but i like it. hey you! how would you know that i know you? how would you even remember that i know you? why would you say that it's impossible not to know you or me? i didn't know that. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hensem eh kau ani. give me some starbucks frappucino pleeeeeeeeease. ![]() Saturday, September 12, 2009
don't want this.
8:29 PM zits are very depressing. even though they only appear for about half a day or so. payah kali kan jadi lawa ani, heesh. pressured. kau emo ah. nah. ![]() p/s: i just realised that i own not even one black eye-liner of some sort. cemana kan tu?
i know not how i got to you :D :D
7:08 PM today was exhausting. given a talk about smarters, it was okay. nothing much. i want this literal bedroom. ![]() and this shoe, even though i don't do heels, i still just want to have it. ![]() and if can't get the above two, can i just have this? ;D ![]() Friday, September 11, 2009
with the brown eyes.
11:00 PM ![]() :D
9:54 PM ![]() if only life was this superficial.
71 new notifications.
8:12 PM there's nothing that will make you less enthusiastic to go on facebook. why the hell. i don't know how to shut off these notifications. aisshhh. so bish, what's up. you being with my cousin doesn't help at all. you guys are disturbing. and what's so wrong about telling you my opinion? just because i said you guys are ugh, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. so stop sucking up to him and telling him everything i said okay. crying doesn't help. it never did.
love and life goes on.
7:47 AM ![]() it's 7:40 something. i have to go school. on a friday. lucky me. Thursday, September 10, 2009
10:11 PM this is so not good. beginning with anger. well i'm pissed. not as much as before, but still. heesh. antah eh. you're so good you make me feel inferior bish! oh well. hello. bye. |